Title: pacers block Post by: PacersGM on June 14, 2005, 10:05:12 AM now with the logjam at SF one maybe two have to go:
on the block are Carmelo Anthony young SF avg near 20 pts and great all around skills Antawn Jamison great SF/PF backup possible a 15pts 8 reb man with an expiring next year Ron Artest one of the top 5 SF in the league can do it all one of them can be also packaged with dikembe,foster,ridnour and either one of my first round picks. my needs are either a C/PF with good to great defense or a PG Title: pacers block Post by: RaptorsGM on June 14, 2005, 10:26:13 AM I'd be interested in Artest alot.
PM me if you see anything that can work. |