Title: when can I cut a player ... Post by: CelticsGM on June 01, 2005, 09:00:23 AM ... I aquire in a trade ? Can he be cut immediately - as part of the trade - if I dont have a free roster spot for him or do I have to open a roster spot first and do the cut later ?
It's getting ridiculous with my questions, I know! Title: when can I cut a player ... Post by: NetsGM on June 01, 2005, 09:31:56 AM You have to have enough room on the roster for the trade to go through. You may then cut an acquired player immediately after the trade, but you have to have the open roster spot to clear the trade.
After cutting a player, he's subject to the waiver rules [ http://ssba.phillyarena.net/files/rules.htm#fa_waivers ]. No problem about the questions, ask away. |