Title: Ivan Litwack, Marques Baly, Antonio Lenard Post by: SonicsGM on May 31, 2005, 09:21:23 AM These three are possibly available.
Ivan Litwack: 2nd Year PF who averaged 10 PPG as a rookie last year. C+ inside and C+ outside shooting ratings. Marques Baly: 2nd Year PF who averaged 10 PPG as a rookie last year. Baly is a big presence (7', 300 lbs) who also has C+ inside and C+ outside shooting ratings. Antonio Lenard: Rookie SF who already has B+ inside shooting rating. Lenard is the toughest to get, but he could be had. I am looking for players with at least A- defense and the ability to score. I am not looking for expiring contracts or lesser players. Interested? let me know. |