The War Room => Trade Talk => Topic started by: BullsGM-old on May 16, 2005, 06:20:18 PM

Title: GRIFFIN and BARRY Package
Post by: BullsGM-old on May 16, 2005, 06:20:18 PM
There has been growing interest in Griffin lately and a few people have been interested in a Barry and Griffin package.  I'm now putting them both on the block, to see what I can get for them.  They could be traded individually or in a package.  Griffin was a 17/10 guy as a rookie and has A potential, Barry is 12/5/5 with around 2SPG.  Hes the ultimate role player

What I'm looking for

- Young Talent.  Ratings don't nessesarily have to be as good as Barry or Griffin but they have to be up there.  Defense is pretty much a must, unless teh guy I'm getting back is great offensively.  By young I mean less than 30 years of age, preferably in the 20-26 range.  Someone I can build around for teh long term

- SG and big man.  If Griffin and Barry are involved in a package I would like to get a SG (or versatile SF) and a big man in return.  

I've gotten a few really good offers, one in particular is really good.  If Griffin is ever going to be traded it will be within the next few days.  If you have anything in mind, just PM me, even if it doesnt perfectly meet my criteria.

So basically a young SG and big

Title: GRIFFIN and BARRY Package
Post by: BullsGM-old on May 16, 2005, 10:05:23 PM
This has become a 2 team race for Griffin.  If you want to send in any offers, do so by tommorow.