Title: GIVING AWAY Mo Pete... Post by: BullsGM-old on April 28, 2005, 08:34:38 AM I'm literally just giving him away, all I want are matching EXPIRING salaries.
So all I want is 4 million in expiring salary, doesn't matter how crappy the guy I get is or what position the guy plays. Right now I have about 11 mill in cap space for this offseason and I want to get to 15 mill. Mo Pete has solid ratings: C B+ C B C- B, a change in scenery might be all it takes. And he only has next season left on his contract so really, theres no risk involved. The reason I picked Mo to give away because he was the only player on my roster in the 4-5 mill range (except Curry, Barry but i'm not giving them away obviously). Mo Pete can add depth to anyones bench I can take up to 2 players in this deal (ex. 2 players making 2 mill each, or 1 player making 3.5 and the other making 0.5) So if you have the 4 mill expiring, PM me and I will GIVE you Mo Pete Title: GIVING AWAY Mo Pete... Post by: BullsGM-old on April 28, 2005, 04:08:32 PM Last call for Mo Pete...