Title: Trade Posting Rules/Template [READ BEFORE POSTING] Post by: NetsGM on April 27, 2005, 08:31:34 PM Steps:
Before posting a COMPLETED trade in this forum, take the following steps to ensure the trade is valid. Step 1: Find a trade that you have both agreed upon. Step 2: Verify that the salaries match by using the trade checker. Trade Checker: http://files.ssbabasketball.com/trade_checker.xls Step 3: Verify that the players are eligible to be traded by viewing the trade eligibility chart (you can find out when a player was acquired by doing a search on the transactions page). Trade Eligibility Chart: chart (http://kb.ssbabasketball.com/wiki/Trades_%28Rules%29#Offseason_Chart_.2F_When_Eligible_to_be_Traded_.2860_day_rule.29) Transactions Page: http://rosters.ssbabasketball.com/transactions.htm Step 4: Check back to verify that the finished trade is agreeable among all parties. Step 5: Post the trade on the Completed Trades Forum using the template specified below. Completed Trades Forum: http://forums.ssbabasketball.com/index.php?board=16.0 Step 6: When accepting a trade, quote the original trade that you are accepting in your reply. Template: Team A: [First Name] [Last Name] - Player (if applicable, i.e. Joe Schmo) [Team] [Year] [Round] - Picks (If applicable, i.e. Nets 2099 First Round Pick) Team B: [First Name] [Last Name] (if applicable) [Team] [Year] [Round] (if applicable) Notes: It is your responsibility to make sure that a trade is valid. I most likely will not attempt to process trades until right before I run the next simulation. If a trade is deemed invalid, then you most likely will not have time to fix it before that simulation is run. If that causes you to fail to get a trade in by the trade deadline, tough. Once you have agreed to a trade (including via PM), it is a contract. It must be honored. The original post of a trade on the completed trades forum cannot be altered. The accepting party should quote the original post of the trade he is accepting. If the original trade posted needs to be modified (NOTE, THIS IS BECAUSE THE TRADE DOESN'T WORK AS POSTED, NOT BECAUSE SOMEONE CHANGES THEIR MIND AND RENEGOTIATING HAPPENS), it must be re-posted and accepted by both parties again. If the modifications cause one party to not agree to accept the trade, a post must be clearly made that the trade is dead. You are then not allowed to post another trade involving any of the players mentioned in the original trade for 24 hours to give both parties a chance to collect themselves from a failed trade. Under no circumstances may another trade be made while an active trade is posted on the completed trade forum. An active trade is one that hasn't been pronounced dead by one of the parties and then goes through the required 24 hour period immediately following dismissal. Does this mess up other deals? Does this put you past a simulation or trade deadline? Too bad. Next time be more prudent in verifying that the trade is valid before posting on the completed trades forum. Trade Rules http://kb.ssbabasketball.com/wiki/Trades_%28Rules%29 |