Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: HawksGM on April 27, 2005, 02:04:01 PM My team has been on a downward spiral of late...so here's my block..
Antonio Daniels-all-star player, a perfect fit for a contender 7.4-1.7 ast-to, his contract is expiring and there's no way I'm going to spend big money on him, he is available for fairly cheap...60-day rule applies but we could probably work something out Stromile Swift- He's averaing 17 and 10 and has a very good contract for a player with his talent...I would want guys in their rookie contract for him...he also could help a contender offensively and defensively Tanner Houbregs, Carmelo Anthony and JR Smith most likely will not be traded unless I'm blown away Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: GrizzliesGM on April 28, 2005, 09:24:52 AM hey, so what do you think?
Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: KingsGM-old on April 28, 2005, 09:35:23 AM have you re-consider my offer?
Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: HawksGM on April 28, 2005, 09:45:36 AM Grizz- I pmed you
Kings- don't really like your offer too much, thanks though Title: Hawks Deadline Block Post by: HawksGM on April 28, 2005, 01:43:45 PM Stromile is basically gone and Daniels NEEDS to go...I won't be able to re-sign him to a contract I like in the off-season